Ripple Clock
3 Weeks | Spring 2023 | CAD, CNC, and Wood | Individual Project
A clock inspired by woodgrain.

The Challenge
Model a clock out of wood that can be made with CNC and create a backing for the components.

Quick Research
How can we create patterns with woodgrain?
Different depths of cut in the growth ring!
An irregular depth cut will differentiate from another
Have to place the End grain centered for the effect.
What if each turn of the hour equals one high point or low point of the clock, the growth rings, in the end, grain will show a depth pattern indicating the time!
Visualizing the Concept

Making the Final Model
Wall thickness minimum of 0.25in
I left a 0.03 tolerance in everything and it worked wonders
In a 3 axis mill you cannot do undercuts, but avoid them in general

Next Steps & Takeaways
Redo the ondulations so that they vary more between them.
Explore the clock hands more.
Look into other wood types!