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Shroom Shroom
Shroom Shroom
Shroom Shroom

14 Weeks | Summer 2022 | Research & Industrial Design | Individual Project

A customizable day planner for children. It is designed to provide a space to help children communicate their emotions and mentally prepare for the day.

The Challenge

I noticed that most of the products on the market for children struggling with communication were fidget toys, which didn't aim to solve the root problem. Intrigued by the lack of products designed for open and dynamic communication between parent and child, I created Shroom Shroom.

How it Works

    1. Choose five activities to do today.

    1. Complete an activity and feed it to Shroom Shroom.

    1. Place designated "Warts" on Shroom Shroom's head.

    1. Activate night light mode!

Understanding Autism

“If you’ve met one person with autism, you’ve met one person with autism”

It’s a spectrum

Hyper-focus on details.

Struggle to communicate their needs.

Struggle to communicate their needs.

Struggle to communicate their needs.

Changes in routine can lead to over stimulus.

What's it like to raise a child with autism?

To comprehend people's needs, I joined Facebook groups to understand parents' daily life struggles when raising a child with autism.

  • "Be super objective. Do not be subjective when talking to your child, it can be hard for them to comprehend "

    -Anonymous Licensed Therapist

  • "Is there any group therapy with someone leading a conversation on how to talk to their peers?"

    -Anonymous Parent

  • "Drawing a story helps the child to comprehend it"

    -Anonymous Parent

  • "Timeouts trigger the Meltdown"

    -Anonymous Parent

Field Research

I conducted interviews with subject matter experts. Which provided great advice and feedback for Shroom Shroom's development.


A behavior analyst that helps children with ASD in their early development stage.


User Intention


Include a Disengagement activity


Prerequisite skills


A therapy class for children with learning difficulties from 18 months to 3 years old.


Therapy = Play


Stay on the child’s eye level


More toys that imitate real life


A mom and a therapist of a child with ASD spectrum, works at momentum.


Neutral colors are important


Plan a max of 5 activities per day


Let the kids be the color

Finding The Niche

Picture Exchange Communication System (PECS)

I had the opportunity to visit a therapy classroom to observe how trained professionals interact with children that struggle with communication.

A big takeaway was learning about PECS a communication system that uses pictures to help people communicate without the need of verbal speech.

Meet Ronnie

Mid-Range Autism (ASD 2)


Age 4



  • Likes

    • Building blocks

    • Broccoli

    • Naps

  • Dislikes

    • Meeting new people

    • Noisy places

    • Bright colors

  • Goals

    • Build a Lego tower as tall as dad.

  • Needs

    • Emotional support

    • Social Therapy

    • Speech therapy

Visualizing The Concept

Testing Concepets

  • Musical Toys


    • Auditory Feed back

    • Includes Disengagement Activity

    • May stimulate Musical Interest


    • Can Cause Over Stimulus

    • May be too complex for Child

    • Too Many Prerequisite skills to use

  • Sensory Toys


    • Stimulates the 5 Senses

    • Exercises body

    • Encourages play with others


    • Hard to Include Disengagement Activity

    • Prone to Injuries When Using

    • Adult Supervision Required

  • Personal Space Toys


    • Provides Safe Space when Overwhelmed

    • Disengagement activity

    • Easy to Operate Alone


    • May want to stay there for a while

    • Can Draw attention to the Child

    • May Feel on a "Time Out"

  • Sorting / Planning Toys


    • Promotes Sensory Recognition

    • Engages Most Senses

    • Helps Associate objects with names


    • Many Prerequisite skills

    • Must Disengagement activity to work

    • May have a Frustrating Learning Curve

Final Concept

Shroom Shroom aims to…

Help associate words with objects, actions, or feelings

Implement a Disengagement Activity

Encourage to Play With Others

Final Aesthetic Design Choices

Example of Customized Icons

Bringing it to the Child's Eye Level

Part of my research indicated that it's very important for the object of play and the people using to go into the child's eye level. This will help with encourage the child to play with the object without being intimidated by it. To target this we decided to use a magnetic charging station.

Leave Shroom Shroom Charging.

When you want to use Shroom Shroom lift it from it's station.

Place Shroom Shroom to the chil's ee level.

Making the Model

Final Prototype

It Lights up!

Next Steps & Takeaways

Needless to say this project was heavy on research

  • I would like to revisit the design of Shroom Shroom. I talked to a nurse who works in an elderly home. She loved the idea and saw the project's potential with more diverse user types if the design is adequate for adults.

  • Establish a customization database for Shroom Shroom users. Dig deeper into this part o of the project.

Rosela Hinojosa | 2024